Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rough Patch

Been a rough few weeks around here! I don't think I mentioned it, but I made my 10% of my body weight goal at WW a couple weeks ago - WHOOHOO! EXCEPT - I went to lunch with hubby at noon and to celebrate, we shared an order of onion rings... by 4 PM I was in the emergency room, and had my gallbladder out the next AM! I was NOT prepared for that! The Dr. said that losing weight often triggers that. The good news is that they were able to repair my umbilical hernia at the same time! It required a larger incision than usual, but it's mostly healed now. SOOO...
the Good News: lost 6 lbs from the surgery. The BAD News: gained back two today!! LOL! Still, I'm at a net loss, so I think it's ok. I'm having trouble getting back in the swing, though. The first week was easy, I wasn't hungry at all, just pain pills and sleep. The second week wasn't bad because I still didn't have a huge appetite. But this week - hoo boy! STARVING! I feel like I have to start over with the whole dieting thing and retrain my tummy to want less. And I need to exercise. All this sitting around is tough!!
I'm KICKING myself in the BUTT here - back on track this week, and lose those two pounds right away!! I'll let you know how it goes!